
European Master in System Dynamics (EMSD) in a Nutshell:
The European Master in System Dynamics (EMSD) is a two-year study programme provided by four European universities: Bergen, Lisbon, Palermo and Radboud, Nijmegen.
EMSD provides students with two complementary sets of knowledge and skills: analytical modelling and group facilitation. Based on the System Dynamics approach, students become specialists in developing sound simulation models that integrate the best available data and insights as a basis for designing and evaluating strategies. These analytic tools are combined with skills in group moderation and facilitation, as research shows that having a voice in decision making increases both the knowledge base as well as acceptance of decisions.
EMSD students are also competent international citizens. Usually, we have about 15 different nations in classes of 25 to 30 students. Coming from different disciplinary backgrounds, they study in at least three different university systems. Students can finalise their programme with a master thesis at a partner university of their choice or choose to work at a university that is part of the wide international network of staff members. Master theses can address a theoretical issue, or alternatively an applied problem experienced by a company or public organisation. In the past, EMSD students have worked on a variety of complex issues in sectors and countries. The combination of analytic and social skills have enabled students to work directly with decision makers, experts and other stakeholders, contributing to successful change projects.
If you would like to explore the opportunities to collaborate with and/or sponsor EMSD, please email the EMSD Team at
We look forward to hearing from you!